Wednesday 14 March 2012

Pre-departure 出发小插曲

TOKYO MARATHON 2012I booked my flight tickets while AirAsia launched Osaka airline August last year. The booking was based on Tokyo Marathon's date. I decided to book the tickets though I was still waiting for the result from the organizer!

Initially I intended to book the tickets for March because my friend told me she might get married in March. But I did not know the date of wedding day and I was still waiting for her forgiven. I felt I have offended her because of my silly and playful attitude. After 'google-ing' the Japanese culture, I shouldn't give her a big surprise -- visit without permission, I gave up to visit her until I got a nod.

At first, I booked the flight on 22nd Feb but not 17th Feb. I re-scheduled my flight after I realised that I will not have enough time to walk around and travel around. Besides, Marathon day stuck in the middle of my trip and it greatly affect my itinerary to other cities. Though pain to spend extra but worth to spend the penny to have longer stay for my very last journey. Once upon a time, I swore I will not go travelling after my Japan trip except condition A or B or C. It's time for me to start saving. Sorry, my determination comes with qualifications Nyah-Nyah . Prolong the journey in order to say sayonara to my bacpacking life.

The more painful thing was -- I have booked the flight ticket from Penang to Kuala Lumpur on 22nd Feb. The ticket burnt and I have to spend extra to book a more pricey ticket to fly to Kuala Lumpur :(
At first, I thought of taking bus to Kuala Lumpur which was much cheaper. Due to my last experience in which the bus reached Kuala Lumpur around 7am, I scared of missing my flight so I decided to book a flight ticket at a very last minute to fly to Kuala Lumpur >.<
I refused to book ticket at first instance due to arrival time in KL. It either reached too early or too late and I have to wait in the airport for more than 8 hours. It was gonna to be torturing...And now I have to be tortured together with my purse.

16th February 2012
I have applied for time-off to leave office earlier to go home to have my last preparation of my flight tonight and my stupid arrangement to take the domestic flight to Kuala Lumpur. My office was located in Penang Island and I am able to travel to airport in less than 30minutes. My house was located in Kedah and it took me more than 1 hour to go to airport and extra fuel and toll. Instead of directly go to airport from office, I drove home in Kedah and travelled from Kedah to the airport. Mysterious traffic jam half way to Penang! I almost missed my flight to Kuala Lumpur! I was so lucky to reach boarding gate in time but the boarding time was delayed! Alright, I have no problem with the delay. After boarding, I fell sleep in just 5minutes time! But I had terrible 'neighbours'. One had strong body odours, one cannot sit properly, kept on moving and touching me. My ears also super itchy! I have not experienced these kind of problems while flying to Langkawi and Medan. I have no idea why the flight to Kuala Lumpur will make my ears so itchy.

Walked straight to McD after landing, kept on changed table and moved place until I got a table equipped with benches. I surrendered myself around 3am (I think), sweet dream here I came!


我买的是22日的机票,下午启程,晚上抵达 (非常浪费时间)。还买了槟城去吉隆坡的机票 !几个月后从澳洲回来,我认为应该开始存钱了,不能把所有的积蓄都花在旅行,当时我下定决心除非为了朋友、除非曾经许下的承诺我不不会再出门旅行了。这次应该是‘Sayonara背包旅行之旅吧。默默认为一个礼拜好像太短了,虽然之前认为一个礼拜太长了(去年一个人日本之旅太寂寞的阴影), 可是还是想给日本一次机会,让自己再次爱上她,毕竟是自己深爱的国家...改机票吧!心痛是难免的了,补了不少钱换机票还得掉我PNG-KUL的机票,最后一分钟才发现槟城下吉隆坡的巴士太冒险了,分分钟赶不上飞机,花更大一笔钱补买了出发前夕的飞机票,又不能自己驾车直接去槟城飞机场!好个心理上的折磨,荷包不停的喷血的说。。。


日盼夜盼终于到了起飞的日子, 心中是无比的兴奋! 每日都望着日历发呆, 每天迫不及待的‘割’日历,倒数着今天的到来。之前的行程都没那么兴奋、紧张的说,或许是平凡的日子希望有些涟漪。小小的不平凡令生活更多色彩

“好久好久以前”我向老板请了一个半小时的“假期”提早回家以便赶晚上的假期。槟城时不时都没理由的大塞车,曾经用二小时只为了出槟城,回吉打这段路程我还真不敢赌,北海和南北大道的车流量也不是小儿科!担心大塞车,回到家都不知几点了,提早回家是不二法门。为了车的安全,车一定得停放在家中,不得已只好把车驾回家在叫弟弟载我去机场。去机场的半路遇上了我最害怕的 不知原由的大塞车!差点赶不上飞机。。。终于赶上后,不知为何班机延迟了。算,赶上就好了,反正我是赶明早的班机,大把时间。上飞机后,很不幸的,我是夹心饼!左边坐了一个外籍人士,不是我歧视她,我只是无法忍受她似小孩般,无时无刻都在动,而且一直耍头发,无论有多干净,我对头发还是有偏见的。右边坐着体味有点重的人_`。) 他们两的体形不小,‘逼’到我‘无处可逃’一肚子闷气。坐了那么多次飞机,第一次耳朵痒到我恨不得把它拔了!我再也不做本地短程班机了(#`皿´)<怒怒怒怒怒怒!!! 


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