Friday 9 March 2012

Hello PEOPLE 日本寒冬之旅

Hi everybody, I am GSiang who is among one of the extraordinary person among the friends and normal civilian in Malaysia. I am lazy in writing blog but is inspired by reading the experiences of the bloggers in respect of Shikoku Henro Trail. Besides, I feel lost after returning to work place. Before travelling, my free time was occupied with the research for my itinerary. I have no things to do for my free time at this moment.
Japan, a country which is modern and advance yet unsophisticated. Japan also famous of it's high living cost and high expenses. THANKS to AirAsia "Now everyone can fly".
I fell in love to this country since learning Japanese while I was a university student. I decided to learn Japanese because (1) I can't continue with my french class ( and I don't really have interest in french) (2) my friend told me about Christianity in Japan (3) my favourite school teacher who can speak simple Japanese. 
This was my second visit to Japan. My first visit took place in year 2011. Many people wonder why am I so rich to survive in Japan? How I survive? Why I chose to go for second time? Why why why...You will be able to find out the answer from the following posts!

在众多人当中, 我算是比较奇怪的人吧,身边的人都那么说我,总而言之怪人一个。本身是超级懒惰的人,但没事做,随便啦。。除此,至从旅行回来后一直有种患得患失的感觉,总觉得我忘了把心带回国 XD

日本,众所周知进步,发达却又纯朴的国家,消费也相当之高。好了,谢谢AirAsia 吧,因为他至少我能以几百零吉的花费抵达日本,代价当然是六小时的行程不吃不喝(去时,怕饿死,当然有吃,想当年~还真是superman呢,不吃不),行李从简,拿在手上就好,当时行李寄托费用可不便宜。


这次是我第二次到访日本,第一次是在311大地震之后,承受辐射之苦的国度令我对辐射的威胁有着莫名的恐惧(题外话,马来西亚,对不起我真的是很难寄予厚望)。很多人都很好奇为何我有钱去那么高消费的国家?印象中我好像‘发达’了!但我也没那么好气一一对人解释,很多事都是 有苦自己知。当中也有人奇怪为何我选择去第二次,旅行嘛,一个国家去一次就好,何必再去第二次。。。

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